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Announce : Qt5Ada version 5.7.0 (472 packages) release 01/07/2016free edition is ready for use

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Leonid Dulman
Announce : Qt5Ada version 5.7.0 (472 packages) release 01/07/2016free edition is ready for use
2016-07-01 05:57:33
Qt5Ada is Ada-2012 port to Qt5 framework (based on Qt 5.70 final)
Qt5ada version 5.7.0 open source and qt5c.dll, built with MicrosoftVisual Studio
2015 in Windows, gcc x86-64 in Linux.
Package tested with gnat gpl 2012 ada compiler in Windows 32bit and 64bit ,Linix x86,Linux x86-64
Debian 8.3.
It supports GUI, SQL, Multimedia, Web, Network, Touch devices,Sensors,Bluetooth, Navigation and
many others thinks.

Changes for new Qt5Ada release :
Added QSerialBus and QDBus modeles support
new packages and demos

My configuration script to build Qt 5.7.0 is: configure -opensource -release-nomake tests -opengl
dynamic -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -openssl-linkedOPENSSL LIBS="-lssleay32 -llibeay32"
-plugin-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-odbc-plugin-sql-oci -icu -prefix "e:/Qt/5.7" 

As a role ADA is used in embeded systems, but with  QTADA(+VTKADA) you can build any
desktopapplications with 
powerful 2D/3D rendering and imaging (games, animations, emulations) GUI,Database connection,
server/client, Internet browsing , Modbus control and manyothers thinks.

Qt5Ada and VTKAda for Windows, Linux (Unix) is available from (google drive. It
can be mounted as virtualdrive or directory or viewed with Web Browser) 

The full list of released classes is in "Qt5 classes to Qt5Ada packagesrelation table.docx" 
VTKAda version 7.0.0 is based on VTK 7.0.0 (OpenGL) is fully compatible withQt5Ada 5.7.0

I hope Qt5Ada and VTKAda will be useful for students, engineers, scientists andenthusiasts
With Qt5Ada you can build any applications and solve any problems easy andquickly.

If you have any problems or questions, tell me know.


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